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1.5. Self Assessment


Choose arbitrarily a subject that is best visualized in a multimedia application.

Write a short (not longer than one A4 din page) essay about the concept of the application considering following questions:

  • Which subject do I want to visualize?
  • Which media visualizes your subject most effectively?
  • What type of map do I want to implement (dynamic, static, etc.)?
  • What is the structure of my application (sequential or non-sequential)?
  • Does my project need any navigation elements?
  • What are the interactive elements of my map?

If you have no idea what to do in this self assessment have a look at the following example which gives you some hints. In case you can't find a topic to fulfill this self assessment, we propose you a few topics of which you can choose one. (Click here for more information)


Hand in the essay to your tutor.

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